
Direct from the Desk.


If you want to keep up with the latest market news, suggestions and what we are currently looking at from behind the desk, ask to be included on the ‘Direct From The Desk’ newsletter sent out every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


Get in touch through the ‘Contact‘ page of the website.




Direct from the Desk Publication

Direct from the Desk is a publication clients receive each Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

The newsletter is designed to give clients a compact, informed glimpse of the major news in the markets as well as current prices (at the time of writing) of major currencies, indices and commodities both locally and internationally. The ‘Chart of the Day’ is accompanied with a small comment about my views on the company/index/currency and the possible moves that I am looking to see.

Please click the picture below to see today’s issue:

ScreenShot024Direct from the Desk 24.4.15

Direct From The Desk is a client exclusivity along with all Trade Alerts, Covered Call reports, Investment Strategy reports and all other forms of publications distributed by myself, Pilkington Trading and Gleneagle Securities.

Clients are constantly provided with, but not limited to: investment advice, trade ideas, portfolio management, investment strategies and market updates/news etc. as well as technical support if you ever need it.

If you are interested in opening an account or re-papering with myself at Gleneagle Securities, please contact me to discuss the possibilities and benefits of opening an account and beginning your investment portfolio.